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From Private Home to Royal
Castle was built by Sir Richard Abberbury in 1386. It was just a manor
before. He had to get special permission from King Richard II to 'crenellate'
This was easy
because he had been friends with the King's father and was the King's
guardian when he was a boy.
Sir Richard
made lots of money in the French Wars and as an ambassador. With this
money, he set up the Donnington Hospital just before he died.
Chaucer later owned the castle. He was son of the famous poet, Geoffrey. He
sometimes stayed there, but mostly lived at Ewelme (in Oxfordshire), near Wallingford.
Thomas gave
Donnington to his only daughter, Alice, as a wedding present when she
married Sir John Philip in 1415. They didn't live there long as Sir
John died in the French Wars in the same year.
In Tudor
times, Queen Elizabeth I gave the castle to two people at once: Lady
Hoby & the Earl of Nottingham. Lady Hoby took lots of armed
men to Donnington and had a big fight with the Earl at the castle
During the English
Civil War, King Charles I's soldiers locked themselves up in
the Castle. They were besieged by Parliament's soldiers after the 2nd
Battle of Newbury.