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Surrounding Fields turn Red with Blood
The Battles of Newbury happened during the English Civil War.
The 1st Battle of Newbury took place in 1643 to the south-west of the town.
King Charles I was trying to get back to London after the Siege of Gloucester. The Earl of Essex and Parliament's soldiers were trying to stop him.
The two sides fought from Dawn till Dusk. They were very tired after their long march. The fences around the 'enclosed' fields of Enborne made fighting difficult.
6,000 soldiers were killed. Amongst them was Viscount Falkland. He has a big memorial at Wash Common. The King decided it was best to run away in the night!
The next year, the 2nd Battle of Newbury took place.
The King was returning to his headquarters at Oxford. The Earl of Manchester and Parliament's soldiers attacked him to the north-west of Newbury, around Speen.
King Charles made a temporary headquarters at
Shaw House. A soldier shot at him through a window there, but missed. A plaque marks the spot.
The King also had friends at
Donnington Castle and many of Palriament's soldiers had to march a long way north to avoid its guns.
The fighting was very fierce, but again the King managed to run away. A long siege followed at Donnington Castle.