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Patron of the Poor
Sir Richard
Abberbury was from the poor branch of a rich family. Then his cousin died at
the Siege of Calais, after the Battle of Crecy, and left his father all his
money. Richard's father died soon afterwards and so he got the lot.
He lived at
Donnington, near Newbury, and built the castle
there in 1386.
He was a year
younger than the Black Prince. The two were
friends. Richard helped the Prince to rule in Gascony and fought alongside him
in the Castilian Civil War at Najara in Spain.
When the Prince
died, Sir Richard continued to work for his widow, the Princess of Wales, and
looked after the education of their son, who later became King Richard II.
He became an
important royal diplomat (someone who acts on behalf of the king aboard). He
negotiated (reached an agreement about) the King Richard's marriage and then
worked for the new queen.
Sir Richard was a
good man. When he died, he left lots of money to set up a retirement home for
poor people from Berkshire and Oxfordshire. This was called Donnington
Hospital and it is still going strong today. It is the oldest charity in