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Windsor Man pulshed England into
Civil War
- King Henry VI was
one of England's weakest kings. He lived in the 15th century.
- He was born at Windsor Castle.
He partly grew up at Wallingford Castle.
His parents were King Henry
V and Catherine of Valois.
- He inherited the
English Throne from his father as a baby of only nine-months-old. He inherited
the French Throne from his grandfather, Charles VI, two months later.
- Henry's uncles ran
England for him. They lost much of France though. Most French people wanted
Charles VI's son as their king.
- When Henry became
an adult, he made peace with the French. He married a French princess,
Margaret of Anjou.
- Henry was a good
man, but a weak
king. He liked to pray a lot. He set up colleges at both Eton and Cambridge.
- He was unable to control the factions (powerful
groups of friends) at the Royal Court. They were always arguing and telling
him what to do: especially his cousins, the Duke of Somerset and the Duke of
York. The Duke of York was the heir to the Throne.
- In 1450, Jack Cade
led a rebellion against the King in Kent and London.
- Fighting started
again in France and the English lost all their territory except the town of
- King Henry had a
breakdown and went 'mad'. He was hidden away in Windsor Castle. The Duke of York was put in charge as a regent.
- When the King
recovered, a Civil War started between the two. This was called the War
of the Roses. It lasted from 1455 to 1471.
- The Duke of York
was killed in the fighting. His son declared himself King Edward
- King Henry was
captured & put in the Tower of London; but Edward IV fell out with his
main supporter, the Earl of Warwick, & had to flee abroad.
- Henry was king
again for a short time; but then Edward returned & Henry's supporters were
defeated at last.
- Henry died (or was
murdered) in the Tower of London. He was buried at Chertsey Abbey (Surrey)
& then St. George's Chapel, Windsor.
His grave was visited by pilgrims.