Reading has been a thriving centre of trade at least late Saxon times, if not before.  Here are some articles about shops and businesses in the town. Do you have information about or photographs of an old family business? Why not drop David a line and tell him about your special interest?

The Development of Reading

The Development of Saxon Reading
The Development of Norman Reading
The Rise of New Industries: Reading's 3 Bs

Medieval Trade Issues

The Medieval Fairs of Reading
The Merchant Guild & First Mayors of Reading
The Long Quarrel between the Town & the Abbot

Individual Business Histories

Angel Brewery
Archer, Bottrill & Fuller
Blandy & Blandy Solicitors
Blandy & Hawkins Brewery
Blandy & Palmer Ironmongers
Bracher & Sydenham Jewellers
Castle Street Brewery
W H Feguson Brewery
Heelas Department Store
Mill Lane Brewery
Salmon Tea Warehouse
Seven Bridges Brewery
H & G Simonds Brewery
Stephens, Blandy & Blandy Bank
Willats, Blandy & Blandy Brewery

Individual Premises Descriptions

Huntley & Palmer Biscuit Factory 1892
Packer & Trendell Jewellers 1815
Salmon Tea Warehouse 1892
Simonds Brewery 1891
Sutton Seeds 1892

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