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Where the Monks put
up their Visitors

- This was the abbey guesthouse.
- It had its own dormitory
where visitors could sleep. It had its own refectory
where visitors could eat.
- There was often a church or chapel
nearby where visitors could worship without going to the main
abbey church.
- It was often near one of the abbey
gateways, so that visitors could go straight to where they
were staying.
- Most abbey visitors were pilgrims.
- The pilgrim in the picture has been
to all four of Berkshire's big shrines.
How can you tell? Do you know which ones they were?
- More important visitors stayed with
the abbot in his house.
- The hospitium dormitory of Reading
Abbey can still be seen today, behind St. Lawrence's Church.
The one for Abingdon Abbey
survives next to St. Nicholas' Church.