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What's that all about?
- A knight
was an important soldier who rode a horse in the King's army.
- A man became a knight during a knighting
ceremony. He would kneel down and his lord or the King would touch him
lightly on each shoulder with their sword. This is called being knighted.
- A knight was given the title Sir
before his Christian name.
- These days, men are still knighted by the
Queen, but they do not have to be soldiers. She gives people this
title to show that they have done good things for the country.
* *
- A squire was
a knight in training.
- He would learn how to ride and and how to
fight. He would also learn good manners.
- He would also have to work for a
particular knight and learn by watching him.
- A squire would serve dinner to his
knight, look after his horse, polish his armour, run errands and do
everything needed to get ready for battle.
- You could become a squire from a young
- Only boys from families who owned land
could become squires and knights. They would have a coat
of arms to show they were important. Peasants were not invited.
* *
- Chivalry was a set of rules that knights followed. They had to:
- always be honourable & never do
anything unlawful
- be a good Christian
- always flee from treason
- never be cruel, but always be
- always be
nice and helpful to ladies
- defend the rights of the weak
- never
do battle for a bad cause, for love or for worldly goods
- give their lives for the safety of
their country
* *
- A tournament
was a big festival when knights would get together and fight each
other. This was good practice for battle.
- Knights would joust.
This meant that two of them rode towards each other on their horses
very fast. They would try and knock each other off using long poles
called lances.
- Knights might also fight in single combat
at a tournament.
- Or in a tourney
or melly with lots of knights in a
pretend battle.
- The tournament would be held by a rich
lord or the King.
- Peasants were allowed to watch and there
was lots of other entertainment put on for them too.