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He made lots of Cloth & lots
of Money
- Jack was a poor homeless boy who had run
away from Winchcombe Abbey in Gloucestershire. He called himself John
- He managed to get a job weaving cloth in Newbury.
His boss was a merchant who would take the cloth to Flanders and sell it. It
was then made into clothes.
- Jack was handsome and popular with the ladies.
- When his boss died, he left a rich widow called
Alice. She had fallen in love with Jack.
- One day, she took Jack out for a walk. They went
to the Litten Chapel and the lady insisted Jack marry her there!
- Their marriage had its ups and downs. Once Alice
locked Jack out in the street in only his night-shirt! Sadly she died after a
few years, but Jack married again.
- Jack was a good businessman. He set up the first
factory in England. He made more cloth than ever and became extremely rich.
- He was famous. People called him 'Jack of
Newbury'. King Henry VIII and Queen Catherine came
to visit him. The King wanted to give Jack a knighthood, but Jack said no
thank you. He wanted to stay humble like his workers.
- Jack raised enough money to send a band of
soldiers to join the English army fighting the Scots. Unfortunately, they
turned up too late for the Battle of Flodden.
- Jack rebuilt St. Nicholas' Church in Newbury. His
monument can be seen inside. The end of his house survives off Northbrook Street.