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and he's looking for you!
'Herne the
Hunter' worked at Windsor Castle in
Medieval Times. His job was to find the deer in the
Forest or the Park. Then he would help King Richard II chase them
and shoot them with bows and arrows. The King would eat the deer for
his supper.
One day they
chased a very handsome white hart (a kind of deer). The hart turned to
attack the King. Herne stood in the way and was badly hurt. The other
hunters killed the hart.
Herne was
taken to a famous wizard. He promised to mend his wounds, if Herne
would give him his hunting skills. He put the white hart's antlers on
Herne's head and cast a spell on him.
Herne was
immediately better. The King gave him lots of presents for saving his
The other
huntsmen were jealous. They made up lots of bad stories about Herne
and told the King.
Because of
his bargain with the wizard, Herne was magically unable to find any
deer for the King to hunt. King Richard thought he was ungrateful. He
believed the bad stories and sacked him.
Herne was
very upset. He tied the antlers back on his head and ran into the Park.
The next day,
his dead body was found hanging from an oak tree!
Herne's ghost
rides on his horse through Windsor Forest and across the sky every
night! Watch out for his blue glow and the sound of his horn. If he
catches you, you'll never be seen again.
No-one really
knows if the story is true. Some historians think it is much older
than Medieval times.
They think
Herne was originally the Romano-British
god, Cernunnos. His proper story has been forgotten over the years,
and has turned into the story of Herne.