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Sir Frank Knollys Junior at the Old Abbey in Reading
- When Reading
Abbey was dissolved by John London,
King Henry VIII decided to keep part of it as a palace.
- The Abbot's House was a very posh
building. It had a kitchen, cellars, storerooms and a chapel
associated with it, as well as a fancy gateway. It made a very
comfortable place to live, so was not pulled down.
- The palace was too near to Windsor
Castle though. King Henry VIII never visited. His daughter, Queen
Elizabeth I, visited only 7 times in 44 years.
- She let her cousin, Catherine Carey, live
there with her husband, Sir Francis Knollys.
They were famous protestants & had lots of sons. So they needed a
big town-house.
- Their son, Sir Francis Knollys Junior
later lived there. He searched for hidden
Catholic priests for the Queen. He also has the record for being
an MP for the longest: 73 years.
- After the Siege
of Reading, during the Civil War, the
Earl of Essex took a look at the palace. it was falling down. So he
sold it off.
- It was all pulled down for building
stone, except the Abbey Gateway which
still stands today.