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The Abbey Gateway
Abbey Street,
best known remnant of the great Abbey of Reading is the Inner Gate.
Commonly known as the "Abbey Gateway," this was the smallest of
several entrances to various parts of the monastery. It guarded the way
into the monastic inner-sanctum where the general public were not
admitted and appears to have survived destruction due to its
administrative role. It was the meeting place of Abbot and townsfolk and
confrontation between the two was rife in the Middle Ages, particularly
over the Mayoral elections.
The Last abbot of Reading was hanged
just outside the Abbey Gateway in 1539, bringing the site's monastic
connection to a close. It was part of the Royal Palace that superseded the
Abbot's House for a while, but in the 18th century became the original
home of the 'Abbey School' which was attended, for several years, by the
author, Jane Austen. The building was heavily restored in 1861 after
virtually collapsing during a thunderstorm. It now belongs to Reading