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Jack the Moneymaker
Places to Go
best reminder of Jack O'Newbury's
benefaction in the town is St.
Nicholas' Parish Church. It is a fine perpendicular building of
huge proportions built, with money given by Jack and his son, between
about 1500 and 1532. It stands on the west side of Newbury's
main street, Northbrook Street, just at the point where it changes to
Bartholomew Street. You can't really miss it. Jack's memorial brass is
inside, attached to the wall beneath the great tower. It shows him dressed
in a long fur-lined cloak of the time, with a belt and, of course, a
money-purse. Alice stands alongside him, with their two sons and one
daughter below. He also features in the "Good Shepherd Window"
which is the second one as you head east from the south door; and his
monogram appears twelve times on the roof bosses.
more personal than the church, however, is 'Jack O'Newbury's
House' which stands on the opposite side of the road a bit further
down Northbrook Street. Unfortunately only one gable end survives, but it
is a beautiful example of 16th century brick and timber domestic
architecture. The upper storey retains its superb oriel window and you can
easily imagine Alice leaning out of it laughing at Jack stuck outside down
below. The main facade of the building is now shops, but once it spread
all the way back to Victoria Park. It is easily found just off Northbrook
Street in little Marsh Lane. A large sign announces that you have found
the right spot.
The Litten Chapel where Jack and
Alice were married stands at the opposite end of the town in Newtown Road,
adjoining the old Grammar School. The chapel was once much larger, but it
was reduced in size when the Newtown Road was built in 1825. St.
Bartholomew's Hospital is not far away, at the junction with Argyle Road.
Opposite this is the medieval Bartholomew Manor which was leased to Jack
shortly before he died.
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