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Where the Monks looked after
- This was a special hospital for
people with leprosy. They are called Lepers.
- It was more like a modern care
home. The lepers could sleep in the hospital and walk in the
- Leprosy is a very nasty disease
which eats away at your flesh. Because the victims became very
deformed, people were afraid of them. They always kept
themselves covered up.
- People thought you could catch
leprosy from touching a leper. This isn't true.
- Lepers were chased from their
homes. No-one wanted to know them. The monks looked after them
- Because people disliked lepers so
much, the leper hospitals were usually out of town.
- Reading
Abbey was quite unusual because the hospital was inside the
abbey walls. The building was still kept separate and behind a
high wall though.
- The hospital had its own chapel, so
that the lepers didn't have to go to the main
church to pray. This was often dedicated to St. Giles, the
patron saint of lepers.
- By the end of medieval times,
leprosy was dying out. The leper hospital at Reading
closed down.