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Lots of different types of Monks
The monks
in a monastery
did lots of different jobs like bee keeping, wine making, brewing,
milling, looking after
animals, growing fruit & vegetables, harvesting, fishing, building, carpentry,
stonemasonry & copying manuscripts.
They still spent a lot of the day praying
though. Some monks had specific duties and they were given special names:
- Abbot
- The monk in charge
- Prior
- The Abbot's helper
- Sub-Prior
- The Prior's helper
- Cellarer
- The monk in charge of stores and supplies
- Cook
- The monk in charge of cooking meals
- Sacrist
- The monk in charge of the abbey's treasures
- Chamberlain
- The monk in charge of clothes and bedding
- Guest Master
- The monk who looked after abbey guests
- Almoner
- The monk who gave food and clothes to the poor
- Infirmarer
- The doctor monk
- Herbalist
- The monk who made medicines
- Cantor or Precentor
- The monk in charge of singing
- Illuminators
- Monks who paint pretty pictures in manuscripts
- Choir or Cloister Monks
- Ordinary monks
- Novices
- Boy monks
- Master of the Novices
- The teacher monk
- Lay Brothers
- Non-monks who worked at the abbey
- Lay Servants
- Hired help