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Home of the County's Oldest
House is a Tudor mansion in mid-Berkshire. It is near Reading.
- It was built for Sir Francis Englefield
in 1558. It is an Elizabethan E-plan house.
- Sir Francis' family was the oldest in
Berkshire. they had lived at Englefield since Saxon
- He was the last to live there. He was a
Roman Catholic. He would not become a Protestant during the
Reformation of the Church. So he had to flee abroad.
- The Marquis of Winchester retired to
Englefield House after the English Civil War.
He had had a huge palace near Basingstoke in Hampshire before. He had
defended it for the King during a 3 year siege. Parliament had it
pulled down.
- Englefield House is now a private home.
The Benyon family live there. There are still deer in the park and the
gardens are open to the public.