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Terrified Midwife becomes
Dangerous Witness
- In Tudor times, a London midwife
was called into the countryside in the middle of the night.
- The old woman was very
frightened as the grand man who collected her told her she must swear
not to reveal what she was about to see.
- They arrived at a huge mansion,
which one of the servants let slip was called Hamstead Marshall
The midwife was taken to a room where a lady was giving birth to a
- The old woman did what she could
to help and the lady gave birth to a fine baby girl. Then the grand
man burst in and told the midwife to throw the baby into the blazing
- Of course, the old woman
refused. "You’re Mad!" she cried, but the man seized the
baby and did the wicked deed himself!
- The midwife turned away in
horror. She was given a drink to calm her nerves. It was poisoned!
- 6 days later, the midwife was
dead, but first she told her story and identified the young lady as
Queen Elizabeth I!