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and Padworth: Neighbours come to
- Sir Humphrey Forster lived at Aldermaston House in Tudor times. He
was married to the daughter of Lord Sandys, King Henry VIII's Lord
Chamberlain. This made him feel very important. He had a bad temper
and liked to throw his weight around.
- His neighbour, Richard Perkins, lived at Ufton Robert Manor (and his
wife later bought Ufton
Court). The two
men didn't get on. Sir Humphrey claimed the rights to Hussey's Manor
in Padworth,
but Richard's brother, Francis, lived there. There was a big argument.
- Eventually, Sir Humphrey got together lots of his servants. They
armed themselves with bows and arrows, swords, shields, daggers and
spears, and marched on Hussey's Manor at half past 5 in the morning.
- They broke in and found Francis Perkins in the hall. He had only just got
up. Sir Humphrey beat him up and threw him to the ground. He then
started kicking him.
- Francis' wife came running downstairs in her nightie and just
managed to stop Sir Humphrey from killing him. Francis was tied up and
the group marched to Ufton Robert.
- Richard Perkins was having breakfast with some guests. Sir
Humphrey's men burst in on them. Sir Humphrey grabbed Richard by the
hair and told him to stay away from Padworth.
- One guest tried to stop him but got punched in the stomach. Sir
Humphrey drew his sword and was about to attack Richard further, but
his wife held onto his arms. He decided to leave.
- Poor Francis Perkins was thrown in gaol for the night at Aldermaston.
- Richard took Sir Humphrey to the local court in Wokingham,
but he bribed and threatened the jury. So Richard took the case to an
important court in London called the 'Star Chamber'.
- The outcome is not known. What do you think the judge should have