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Only Fighting in the Glorious
- Broad Street in Reading was created by
the monks of Reading Abbey in the
early 13th century. It has been the town's main shopping street ever
- At the top of the street was a stone preaching
cross for the grey friars to
- Archbishop
Laud's father had a clothier's shop
there in Tudor times.
- During James II's reign, the people wanted to get rid of the King because
he was a Catholic. They asked his daughter & her husband, William
& Mary, to come over from the Netherlands and rule instead. This
was called the Glorious Revolution.
- There was only one battle fought between the two sides. It took
place in Reading in 1688. It was known as the Battle of Broad Street.
- King James was at Hounslow Heath (near London) with his army. He
sent 600 Irishmen to Reading as a 'rear guard'. The people of the town
were scared of them and many fled.
- William was at Hungerford arranging to become King. He was asked to
send soldiers to help. He sent 250 Dutchmen.
- The Irishmen were stationed in the Market
Place, Broad Street, in St. Mary's
churchyard & at the Bear Inn in Bridge Street, waiting for the
Dutch to come along Castle Street.
- William's troops were warned. So entered the town along the Oxford
Road. They surprised the Irish.
- There was lots of fighting, but the Irish panicked & quickly
fled. They lost 50 men.
- The Dutch won the battle. James II fled the country & William
& Mary became King & Queen.