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Restored after Rack & Ruin
Park is a big Georgian mansion in Mid-Berkshire. It is near Reading.
- It was built by Sir Francis Sykes in 1776. It
took 7 years to finish.
- Sir Francis was a friend of India's Governor,
Warren Hastings, who lived nearby at Purley Hall. He made lots of money in
that country.
- Sir Francis' son & most of his family died of
scarlet fever in Germany! One grandson survived, but he spent all his
grandfather's money. The family
had to sell the house.
- James Morrison then lived there in Victorian
Times. He liked art and
helped set up the National Gallery in London.
- In the 1st World War, Basilson Park was used as a
hospital. It was later deserted. There was a plan to take it down and rebuild
it in America! This didn't happen and it began to fall apart.
- In 1952, Lord Iliffe's son bought the house and
did it up. It now belongs to the National Trust. It is open to the public.