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Bury of
Culham Heralds'
Visitation of Berkshire, 1566
Bury of Hampton Poyle in the county of Oxfordshire, esquire, married Jane
daughter and heir to John Pinchpole of Winrich in the county of
Gloucestershire, esquire, and by her had issue, James Bury, his eldest son
and heir; William Bury, second son; Thomas Bury, third son; and Adrian, a
William Bury of Culham in the county of Oxfordshire, esquire, second son
to Edmund aforesaid, married to his first wife, Christian daughter to
Thomas Wilkinson, alderman and shire reeve of London, and by her had
issue, John Bury, eldest son and heir; Thomas Bury; Edward Bury; Blanche
married to Job Abel [or Astell] of London, merchant; Alice married
to Edmund Knightly second son to Sir Valentine Knightly of Fawlesley in
the county of Northamptonshire, knight; Katherine married to William
Burlace of Marlow in the county of Buckinghamshire, gentleman. After, the
said William married to his second wife, Christian daughter to John
Bustard of Adderbury in the county of Oxfordshire, gentleman, and died
without issue.
John Bury of Culham aforesaid, esquire, eldest son and heir to William
aforesaid, married Elizabeth daughter to Thomas Stafford of Bradfield in
the county of Berkshire, esquire, and as yet hath no issue.
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of Uffington