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Reading Relics
Medieval Veneration at the
Relics relating to Our Lord:
- A Cross, from Constantinople,
gilt with gold, offered to Christ.
- His foreskin, which Emperor
Constantine is stated to have sent to King Henry
- A piece of Our Lord's shoe.
- Blood & water from his side.
- Several stones, pieces of rock
& earth from Bethlehem & other places.
Relics relating to the Virgin
- Some of her hair, "as it is
- Parts of her garments, of her bed
and of her tomb.
Relics relating to the Patriarchs
& Prophets:
- Parts of the rods of Moses &
- Part of the rock which Moses
- Manna from Mount Sinai.
- Three teeth & bones of St.
Relics of the Apostles:
- The hand of St. James & the
cloth in which it is wrapped.
- The robe of St. Thomas.
- A tooth of St. Luke the
Relics of the Martyrs, Confessors
& Virgins:
- The bones, the teeth, the hair,
the arms, the fingers (eg the finger of St. Andrew), and the heads of
many of them.
An Inventory of the said relics:
- St. James' hand.
- St. Philip's skull.
- A bone of St. Mary Magdalen &
- St. Anastasia's hand & more.
- A piece of St. Pancras' arm.
- A bone of St. Quinton's arm.
- A bone of St. David's
- A bone of St. Mary Salome's arm.
- A bone of St. Edward
the Martyr's arm.
- A bone of St. Jerome & more.
- Bones of St. Stephen & more.
- A bone of St. Blaise & more.
- A bone of St. Osmund & more.
- A piece of St. Ursula's stole.
- A jawbone of St. Aethelwold.
- Bones of St. Leodegarius & of
St. Herefrith.
- Bones of St. Margaret.
- Bones of St. Arnulf.
- A bone of St. Agnes & more.
- A bone of St. Andrew & two
pieces of his cross.
- A bone of St. Frideswide.
- A bone of St. Anne.
- With Many Others.