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Bucklebury Church
Wall Monument

North Wall of the Chancel

Sir Henry Winchcombe, Baronet
son of Sir Henry Winchcombe, Knight & Baronet
and the Honourable Lady Frances Howard
daughter of Thomas Howard, Earl of Berkshire.
By Elizabeth Hungerford, he begat three daughters:
Frances, wife of Henry St. John of Lidiard Tregoz in the County of Wiltshire,
Elizabeth who died 7th September AD 1705,
Mary, wife of Robert Packer of Shellingford in the County of Berkshire.
By Elizabeth Rolle,
he had Henrietta.
He was born 16th June AD 1659,
Died 5th November AD 1703

His eyes having been lost in youth,
neither to public or to private duty was he wanting.
He served the interests in Parliament of his country, at home, of his friends.
By promoting these he consoled himself for his calamity,
and in tilling his fields, in repairing his property,
he enjoyed himself in the country, truly with a great mind,
zealously cultivating those things whose fruits he could not perceive in himself.
To the best of parents Frances, Elizabeth, Mary,
heiresses by his will, this monument is here placed.


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