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Abingdon Relics
Medieval Veneration at the
Those named below are the saints
whose relics are in the church of Abingdon: Those classified by Abbot
Faritius of holy memory, together with the older ones from the same
church, the year of the incarnation of Christ 1116.
Some of the sweat of Our Lord
Jesus Christ & some of his cross. Fragments of a nail of his
crucifixion, of his table & of his tomb.
Of the Apostles:
Some of the Bones of St. John the
Some of the Beard of St. Peter the Apostle.
Some of his cross & pieces of his clothing, & similarly
of St. Paul the Apostle.
A bone & tooth of St. Andrew the Apostle & some of his
A bone of St. James, brother of the Lord, & pieces of his
A bone of St. Batholomew the Apostle.
Of the Martyrs:
A bone of St. Stephen the
Protomartyr & some of his Cloak & Dalmatica, & of his hair,
& of the rocks with which he was stoned.
Of St. Vincent, an arm & a hip, & parts of his leg &
his rib.
Of St. Laurence, Deacon & Martyr, a finger & part of his
Of St. Victor the Martyr, his arm & a whole rib, & part
of another rib & many other bones.
A finger & tooth of St. Sebastian the Martyr.
A part of the smaller arm bones of St. Dionysus, & his
A tooth & finger of St. George.
Some of the head of St. Pancras the Martyr.
Some of the arm of St. Firminus the Martyr.
A finger of St. Hippolytus the Martyr.
A tooth of St. Eusebius the Martyr whose feast is on the 14th
Bones of the Holy Innocents.
Some of the blood soaked shirt of St. Edmund, King & Martyr,
which clothing he was wearing at the hour of his passion, & some of
the wood from his sarcophagus, & some of the covering of his pillow,
& some of the boxwood chips with which it was filled.
Of St. Edward, many parts.
Parts of these Martyred Saints: John & Paul, Tiburtius,
Valerian, Cosmas & Damian, Fabian, Simplicius, Nereus & Achilleus,
Symphorian, Cyriacus, Sixtus, Bishop & Martyr, Christopher, Boniface,
Leodegarius & Eustace.
Of St. Cedd & of the
Of St. Cedd, Bishop &
Confessor, his head & jawbone, & an arm with other bones.
Of St. Aldhelm, Bishop & Confessor, his head, a tooth, &
part of a shoulder, & a whole hip.
Of St. Aethelwold,
a whole leg, & an arm & finger, & some of his hair.
An arm of St. John Chrysostom.
Some of a rib & other bones of St. Bertin, Abbot.
Some of the beard of St. Cuthbert.
Some of a rib of St. Audeonus.
Some of the bones of the Confessors.
Some parts of the hands of SS. Martin, Nicholas, Silvester,
Gregory, Benedict, Abbot Maurus, Bishop Germanus, Augustine, Ambrose,
Medard, Vedast, & Amand, Gorgonius, Winwaloe, Wandregisilus, Wilfred,
Columbanus, Samson & Hilary.