A Tablet set up in Coleshill House in 1748
declares that it was "built for Sir Geo. Pratt Bt in 1650 by Inigo
Jones." And, moreover, we read in the fifth volume of the Vitruvius
Britannicus, published in 1771, "It is perhaps the most perfect
work now remaining of that great Architect, Inigo Jones, having
undergone no alteration since the year 1650 when it was completed."
The Vitruvius Britannicus adopted the information of the tablet, and the
author of the tablet was Sir George Pratt's great grandson, Sir Mark
Pleydell, a collector of family memorials and the owner of Coleshill for
forty years, during which the leaders of the English Architectural
School - Campbell and Gibbs, Kent and Ware among professionals, and the
Earls of Burlington and Leicester among wealthy amateurs - founded their
faith upon Inigo Jones. The two Earls were consulted by Sir Mark on the
matter of reparations, and Burlington was so enamoured of the ceilings
that he "had for his own study, very correct drawings taken by Mr.
Isaac Ware."
we seem to get right away from the casual and unsupported phrase
"attributed to Inigo Jones," which we find loosely applied to
an endless number of English country houses, and we are surely on the
solid foundation of reliable evidence. As such it was adopted by Messrs.
Belcher and Macartney in their "Later Renaissance Architecture in
England," and by Messrs. Triggs and Tanner in their "Inigo
Jones"; while Mr. Gotch told us ten years ago in "The English
Home from Charles I to George IV," that Coleshill is
"attributed to Inigo Jones on fairly good evidence," and adds:
"In any case it must have been either Jones or Webb who designed
Coleshill, for there was nobody else who had at that time received the
training necessary to produce it." But after the body of the book
had passed through the press material became known to Mr. Gotch which
quite cut away the grounds of this pronouncement, although the only
modification he makes in an appendix is to admit that "there is no
doubt that Roger Pratt had something to do with Coleshill." As a
matter of fact, the "something" was very considerable, for
Pratt had more "to do with Coleshill" than Jones.
If we now run through all available
evidence, there will arise the conviction that Inigo Jones certainly had
an advisory position, but that Sir Roger Pratt was the acting and active
architect. Let us first see who were the two Pratts - Sir George and Sir
Roger - and what was their respective connection with Coleshill, or
Cowsell, as they were wont to spell it.
To a Norfolk man, but a Cirencester
clothier, named Pratt was born, in 1573, a son, whom he christened Henry
and in due course apprenticed in the Company of Merchant Taylors. He
grew to be a wealthy citizen and Alderman of London, and, like many
another successful City merchant, sought to invest his gains in real
estate near his place of origin. Coleshill lies some fifteen miles
south-west of Cirencester, and he became its owner in 1626. Two years
later he was Warden of his Company, and in 1641, on his resigning his
aldermanship, he was made a baronet. Sir Mark Pleydell, whom we have
already seen owning Coleshill from 1728 to 1768, was his
great-great-grandson, and, as a youngster, heard from Mary Stewart, an
aged relative, that: "Sir H. Pratt Alderm. was a lusty Man, as she
has heard. He lived in ye City; but several years before his death he
quitted his business & resided partly at Coleshill & partly at
his house at Charing Cross. The Marble Statues at ye Monument in ye
Chancell resembled him & his wife exactly. That monument was erected
by him in his lifetime." The old manor house in which he ended his
days in 1647 was near the church, and here his son George established
himself. He was born in 1605 and from Oxford passed to Gray's Inn, but
we hear nothing of either a professional or a business career. Indeed,
his way of life as a young man appears to have caused Sir Henry some
concern, for Mary Stewart reports that: "He had lost considerable
sums in Gaming, as had his brother Richard wch had made ye Alderman
threaten them to sell ye Estate and build Almshouses." Although
this crisis was not reached, his present circumstances and his uncertain
prospects kept him a bachelor as long as his father lived; but so soon
as Coleshill was his he married a young girl, one of the sixteen
children of another Berkshire baronet, Sir Humphrey Forster of
Aldermaston. Mary Stewart informs Sir Mark that Sir George was "a
thin man of middle stature : he was elderly whn his father died. Ye
House was burned down soon after his marriage ; he was 30 yrs older than
mylady. When she remembers him he wore his own grey hair : he lett his
farms himself and was reputed a sharp Ma. He acted on ye Comn of ye
peace and used to attend ye Sessions. He usd to walk every day thro' ye
Mount to Shortcross Stile where he had a Seat & used to say there
was ye best air in England. He passed ye Evenings in his study where he
had many books & read much."
wild oats had evidently all been sown early, for this is the picture of
a sober minded, thrifty country gentleman doing his duty but seeing to
his dues. It would seem that he was a man of moderate fortune, so that
the burning down of the old home and the building of a new one, which
soon took very ample proportions, was a considerable strain on his
resources, although it was quite a dozen years in progress. Among other
things, the Vitruvius Britannicus is wrong in stating that it was
completed in 1650. That was about the time of its inception, and the man
who carved the staircase did not finish his job and send in his bill
till 1662.
George began by choosing his site, either acting as his own architect or
employing a quite unimportant person in that capacity. But after he had
commenced operations it appears that his cousin Roger, recently returned
from Italy, persuaded him to begin again on another place and plan. As
Sir Mark Pleydell afterwards records, "Sir G. Pratt began a Seat in
ye prest Cucumber Garden & raised it one Storey, when Pratt &
Jones arriving caused it to be pulled down & rebuilt where it now
stands. Pratt and Jones were frequently here & Jones was also
consulted abt ye Ceilings." This Sir Mark knew through one John
Buffin, "who often saw them both," he being "Joyner to ye
family for 50 years," and dying an octogenarian in 1711. If we now
trace the early history of Roger Pratt, we shall understand how he,
accompanied by Inigo Jones, arrived at Coleshill and induced Sir George
to scrap the building he had begun. Sir Henry Pratt had a brother,
Gregory, also a citizen of London, whose son Roger was born in 1620. The
lad matriculated at Magdalen, Oxford, in 1637, and three years later
entered the Middle Temple. Then his father died, and, being possessed of
fair means, he went abroad in 1643. In that same year John Evelyn
obtained a licence to travel, and the two young men, both keenly
interested in art and architecture, saw much of each other, for Pratt is
called "cohabitant & contemporarie at Rome" by Evelyn, who
was there from November, 1644, to the following May. Pratt's stay in
Rome will have been longer, his foreign travels occupying about six
years. He returned to England in 1649 as fully imbued with, and nearly
as proficient in, Italian Classic and Renaissance Architecture as had
been Inigo Jones on his return thirty-four
years earlier. To him,
therefore, Inigo Jones was the one and only English architect, and he
declared that in England the only remarkable buildings were those for
which Inigo Jones was directly responsible, such as the Whitehall
Banqueting House, the St. Paul's portico and the Queen's House at
Greenwich. Asked his by his cousin, Sir George, to come and see and give
advice as to the new house rising out of the ground at Coleshill, we can
well imagine his dissatisfaction at its too native and unclassic
character and his desire to get the advice of Inigo Jones in support of
his own. Jones was an old and broken man, his pupil and kinsman, Webb,
undertaking such architectural work as the troublous Commonwealth
times put in their way. But Buffin's evidence may be accepted to show
that the aged architect was induced to visit Coleshill, entered his
verdict in favour of a new beginning and gave more or less assistance
with the plans, and even such details as the ceilings, although these
cannot have been actually wrought until after his death in 1653. Thus,
as the adviser, the inspirer, even, perhaps, in the initial stages, as
the colleague of Pratt, Inigo Jones left his mark on Coleshill, but to
attribute it solely to him, without mention of Pratt, is very incorrect.
Jones's part therein is vague, Pratt's definite and resting on written
Later on Roger Pratt became a somewhat
voluminous writer of notes on his architectural and other experiences
and avocations, but they principally refer to the houses which he
designed and carried out after the Restoration. There is not very much
in them as to Coleshill, yet quite enough not only to prove his constant
attention to it during the dozen years it was in hand, but also to show
us what it was like when he finished it and before Sir Mark Pleydell
made considerable alterations.
The plan (Fig. 9) and elevations (Figs, 1
and 3) show it to be an unbroken parallelogram 124ft. long by 62ft. wide
and four storeys high. Of these, the lowest is part below ground level,
and the highest within a hipped roof which rises to a lead flat surrounded
by a balustrade and reached through a central cupola (Fig. 2). Much the
same description will answer for Chevening as it was
originally built, probably before 1630 and by Inigo Jones, whose pupil,
Webb, used the same cupolaed "platform" at Thorpe and Ashdown. It continued in vogue and occurs at Belton, which was finished about 1686, and has been attributed to Wren,
although without substantial evidence. In one of his notebooks Roger
Pratt discusses the construction of this platform and gives his
reasons for adopting it: "Ye avoiding all Gables, eaves and gutters
between ye roofings. Ye uniting of ye whole in one entire body. Ye
Pleasure of ye prospect, walks, &c." At Coleshill it certainly
is a pleasant “walk” not only because of the prospect over the fair
borderland of Berkshire and Wiltshire, the eye reaching over the whole
valley of the White Horse, but also from the beautiful finish and form
of cupola and chimney stacks.

The Coleshill elevations (Figs. 1 and 3)
are dignified, but plain to severity. The stairways and pediments to the
doorways and the consoled heads to the windows are the chief outstanding
details of the admirable ashlar-built walls. But the far projecting eave
is supported by a rich modillioned cornice, and there is much
architectural effect and varied skyline given, not only by the cupola
and balustrade, but still more by the eight tall, massive and
symmetrically placed chimney stacks, enriched with panels and cornices.
Beyond necessary repairs, Mark Pleydell made no exterior alteration
except that caused by his substituting sash for mullioned window frames.
Sashes were not introduced until the close of Charles II's reign and did
not become usual till that of William III. Their coming had nothing to
do with the adoption of single, wide openings for windows as opposed to
the multiple ones, divided up into narrow sections by structural
mullions, which our Early Renaissance had inherited from Gothic times.
This form Inigo Jones cast aside when he designed the Whitehall
Banqueting House. The frame to fit within the opening did not concern
him architecturally. Neither he nor his pupil and followers introduce it
in their sketches or elevation drawings, which show a mere void. But,
glazing and a system of opening and shutting being necessary, they
merely modified the older method. A light, flat, unmoulded wooden frame,
with mullion and transom, was glazed with lead quarries, and casements,
generally of flat iron, opened to let in air. Such the Banqueting Hall
must have had and also all houses built in the new style during the
following half century and more. But, in the case of most large houses,
these were afterwards replaced with sashes, as at Coleshill. What the
originals were at that place we know from Pratt's notes.
He tells us
that though the openings were 5ft. wide they "seemed somewhat
narrow & whither because not sufficiently splayed on ye sides or
because ye wooded frame & ye iron one tooke soe much from ye glasse.
The glasse onely 2f. broad in each casement." This glass was
divided up into panes 5ins. wide and 7ins. high, and a detailed
description of the iron casements and of the precautions taken to make
them watertight is given. Tyttenhanger, probably built by Webb
while Coleshill was in progress, retains on the north side such window
frames and glazing untouched. So also does the Wolvesey Palace at
Winchester, built a quarter of a century later. Although
symmetry was essential to both Jones and Pratt, the Coleshill window
scheme shows some variety in its spacing. As the hall and great parlour,
occupying the centre of the entrance and garden fronts were to take up
more than a third of the length of the house, the doorways and flanking
windows are further apart than the three windows at each end; and at the
sides the planning accounts for a central trio of close-set windows and
then considerable blanks (up which run chimney flues) before the end
windows are reached. After the Restoration a slight break in the walling
surmounted by a pediment would have been considered necessary to create
a division of these sections. But Inigo Jones and those who, like Webb
and Pratt, accepted him as master were chary of the use of the pediment
in their elevations - much as they liked it for doorways - and the quite
satisfying effect of grouped windows, as we get them at Coleshill,
without emphasis by wall break and pediment, shows the extent to which
restraint of ornament and feature may prevail in design in the hands of
a master of proportion, and the entirely effective and satisfying use of
whatever detail he does allow himself.
It is rather curious that this restraint,
so marked in the house, was abandoned in the gate piers. Not only were
they freely used, but there was resort to variety and elaboration. Piers
and arched portals were favourites with the Elizabethans for their
forecourts and walled gardens. Inigo Jones was equally favourable to
their use, but, of course, altered their style and design in accordance
with his more classic taste.
The arched entrance especially appealed to
him, and niches were an integral part of it. They appear on each side of
the pedimented arches at the Oxford Physic Gardens and at Kirby Hall, of
which 1632 and 1638 are set down as the respective dates. But the use of
niches in gate piers begins at Coleshill, where they occur in all four
sets. The noblest of these are off the high road into the park, with the
house seen lying below (Fig. 4). The frame of the panels is set with
nail head rustication and the same bold egg and tongue that appears on
the chimneys. Indeed, except for the nail heads, the chimneys and the
piers on the roadside are of the same design. But on the park side (Fig.
5) there is much richer treatment. The panels have at their tops
framed and recessed roundels holding classic busts, while, below, the
shell-headed niche is arranged as a seat. The same shell-headed niche,
with slight variants, appears in the two pairs of piers on the drive
(Fig. 8) and also in the pair flanking the yard entrance (Fig. 7). These
last are in a position where we should expect them. But in 1650 such
features were usual only in direct architectural relation to the house
and its immediate and formally laid out environment. The position of the
two pairs on the drive is unexpected, and that of the park pair
positively abnormal. Nor do the latter appear to have been designed for
hanging gates any more than those at the yard entrance, and I suspect
them to have been designed for and placed in some similar but more important
position near the house and moved to the roadside by Sir Mark Pleydell,
whose alterations were probably directed by William Kent, an early
devotee of the "Landscape" school.
If outward severity were a principle with
Jones and his first followers, the rule was relaxed when the interior
was reached; and if the Coleshill rooms have not the elaboration of
houses such as Wilton, Forde Abbey and Thorpe, where Jones and Webb had
very wealthy clients, this is due, more probably, to the lack of means
on the part of Sir George than to any lack of capacity and desire for
decorative completeness on the part of Sir Roger. Thus only the
plasterer - and he on ceilings only - was allowed free play. The joiner
and wood carver were very much restricted to the hall.
With their Italian training and experience,
Jones and Pratt were inclined to give greater expansion to the staircase
than was consonant with the habit and feeling of Englishmen, to whom the
hall was a living room, while the staircases, including the main one,
were in smaller, narrower spaces off it. But at Chevening Jones put his
main stair in the hall, satisfying himself with a single flight; while
at Coleshill, having Pratt to back him up, it was decided to have a
double flight, so that the big two-storeyed hall is largely taken up and
wholly dominated by it. On each side of the great and dignified entrance
portal spring the wide and easy treads, bounded by great newel posts and
a broad rail supported by enriched balusters (Fig. 11). Reaching the
side walls, each stairway turns at right angles and rises to first floor
height at a point that leaves space for a hanging gallery running the
length of the back wall. The balustrade scheme - posts, rail and
balusters - is reproduced in half-section against the wall. The newel
posts are panelled, and in the panel is a lion's mask with ring from
which depends a fruit "drop." This scheme is elaborated along
the string, where a series of ribboned swags springs from each side of a
cartouche in the middle of the gallery and meets a draped female head at
the corners. All the carving is excellent in quality. Inigo Jones'
strict decorative purism would probably have held Grinling Gibbons'
style a little too natural, too imbued with pride of technique. But in
his time the difficulty was to find craftsmen deft enough, and the
solidity of most English carving, until Gibbons' influence permeated the
craft, must have worried him. But the Coleshill staircase (carved a
decade before Griming Gibbons came to the fore), while, in design, it
avoids such excessive realism as may mar decorative principle, shows
admirable execution. That is especially true of the draped female masks
(Fig. 13). Here is the perfection of decorative treatment, there is
nothing coarse,
wooden or inanimate about them; but they are not so
movingly alive and realistic as to jar with the reposeful composition of
which they are a part. The face is alive and full of expression, but the
expression, sought and rendered, is impassiveness: the parted lips and
half open eyes are very human, but they express a dreamy sadness that
will go on changeless for ever. Who carved them we know not. They were
evidently by a choicer hand than that which executed the rest of the
carving, good and crisp as that is, for there is no mention of them in
the surviving bill for this work, which begins: "May, 1662. The
Bill of Carvers work done for the Right worthy Sir George Pratt for his
house at Cowsell by Richard Cleare." Then follow the items for the
great doorways leading from the hall to the principal rooms on both
storeys, where the detail consists of egg and tongue, dentells,
leaves," costing from 2d. to 4d. per foot run. Next we come to the
items for the staircase itself, such as: "The Railes of the Stayres
: ffor 95 whole banisters at 3s. a peece, £14 8s.; ffor 20 yards &
a halfe of the festoones in ye freeze at 20s. the yard, £20 10s.; ffor
8 ffestoons for ye Lyons heads for the postes at 10s. a peece, £4."
For chirnneypieces and door-cases 38 "Cartooses" were supplied
at 6s. each. The festoons were sent in "a large basket,"
together with a man who gets 26s. "ffor his goeing down to set up
the ffestoons on the stayres." Richard Cleare or Cleere was a well
established London carver, whose name afterwards appears in the Wren
accounts for London churches, such as St. Olave's, Jewry.
The hall, as it appears on crossing the
threshold, is so capitally rendered in one of the illustrations (Fig.
14) as to make much description unnecessary. The precise run of the
double stair, the quality and position of the six doorways, the plaster
enrichment of the gallery soffit, the decorative wall scheme attained by
the recessed roundels - all are seen at a glance in their due
relationship. The roundels, fourteen in all, are of the same design as
those in the great piers Fig. 5), except that, being framed not in stone
but in plaster, there is a richer treatment taking the form of a
ribboned wreath of bay leaves. Similar to the piers also are the
shell-headed niches, which, in groups of three, cleverly occupy the
rather awkward space under the main flights of steps (Fig. 10). Another
illustration, taken from the gallery (Fig. 12), shows the disposition of
the window side of the hall and also its ceiling, typical of the heavy
beam-like ribs, with enriched soffiting which Inigo Jones favoured.
We have seen how Lord Burlington, visiting
Sir Mark Pleydell at Coleshill, was so struck with the ceilings that he
employed Isaac Ware to make for him "very correct drawings" of
them. We learn from Sir Mark's MS. notes that Inigo Jones not only came
with Roger Pratt to Coleshill, but "was also consulted abt ye
Cielings." Ceilings somewhat of the same character, but on a
grander and more ambitious scale, were used in Italy during the
Renaissance period and will have been known to Jones. He returned to
England to discard the style of the Jacobean plasterers and produce his
of Italian models. Such we find at Rainham and at Forde. The
narrow ribs of Elizabethan days had been widened under James, but they
now became massive frames to panels, often arranged in the manner of
structural beams covered with enriched plasterwork. The structural
character is present in the saloons of Rainham and Forde, but is still
more marked in the three most important Coleshill ceilings. The plan of
the house (Fig. 9) gave the space to the south-west, corresponding with
the two-storeyed hall on the northeast, to a "Great Parlour"
(Plan I e) below and a state dining-room (Plan II g) above. They are now
the library (Fig. 20) and the saloon (Fig. 16). In these two rooms, as
well as in the hall, the ceilings take the form of two cross-beams
running from end to end and two from side to side, forming nine panels.
The largest panel is in the centre, and here an oval or circle overlays
the rectangle, while on each side of it is a long, narrow panel, and at
each end are a central square and side oblongs. In the hall the
enrichment, though considerable, is reticent. The ribs or beams equal in
depth and continue the mouldings of the section of the cornice that is
supported by the modillions. The beam soffits, as also that of the
overlying oval, are enriched with an interlaced guilloche, precisely
similar to one on a ceiling in the Palazzo Massimi at Rome, which both
Jones and Pratt are likely to have seen when there. The oval panel is
left plain, intended, no doubt, for pictorial treatment ; but of the
other eight panels, four have oak leaf and four bay leaf wreaths. Much
richer is the ceiling of the saloon. The beams are the depth of the
whole cornice and repeat it in its entirety. The oval soffit is enriched
with fruit and flower, that of the rectangles with acanthus leafage,
amid which amorini disport themselves (Fig. 15). There are whorled
rosettes at the intersections, and the wreaths of the lesser panels are
set on a raised egg and tongue moulded centre. The cornice is a member
of a full entablature, of which the frieze is occupied by ribboned swags
of fruit and flower standing clear and starting from forward-tilted
cartouches. In the library the scheme is somewhat similar, but the
beams, as in the hall, are only half the depth of the cornice. The
centre is a circle leaving segmental panels
at each end ornamented with
linked dragons, while the side panels have linked cornucopiae. The end
panels, again, have wreaths, but variety is given by a free and
extensive ribboning (Fig. 19). Next to the library is what was at first
a bedroom (Plan I f), but is now the billiard room. Here the structural
beaming is abandoned in the ceiling (Fig. 22), where a large central
circle is connected with four smaller ones, so that the enriched
soffiting of oak leaves may be continuous.
The walls of the rooms are now papered, and
there is no treatment of overdoors and over mantels dating from the time
of the Pratts. That was certainly not the intention and probably not the
case, as we know from one of Sir Roger's notes (Fig. 28), which gives
the exact measurements of the most important wall and overdoor spaces
for "Landskippes." For instance, two large ones occupied the
only considerable spaces in the hall free of roundels, and, again, in
the "Greate Parlour" the main "Landskippes" were to
be 6ft. 9ins. high and 8ft. broad, while one, 6ft. long by 2ft. deep,
was for over "ye greate door," and over "ye lesser"
a shorter one. Moreover, we hear of hangings. Whether they were all
window curtains, or some of them tapestry for the walls, is uncertain,
but we do know from Sir Mark Pleydell that the "Tapistry of ye
history of Moses hung in Lady P's room."
The setting up of the staircase carvings
appears to have been a finishing touch. The year before Sir Roger had
given "a dinner to Sir G. & his Lady" at a cost of £2
2s., and in November, 1662, "my cousen Pratts man" gets 2s.
6d. That is the last item of payment made by Sir Roger on account of
Coleshill. But payments to him were long deferred. He seems to have
helped his cousins financially or met some of the building expenses, as
the amount in which Sir George becomes indebted to him (some £1,300)
is more than fees would have been. Much of this had to remain on loan.
An "obligacon of £600. for payment of £300. & interest"
passes from Sir George to Sir Roger, which the latter loses, so that in
1672, after he is paid, he has to sign a declaration releasing his
cousin from "the obligacon which ought to have been delivered
up." By that date Sir Roger had finished his professional career
and was living as a country gentleman, much absorbed in farming, at
Ryston in . Norfolk, an estate he inherited from a cousin and where he,
in 1669, built himself a house, somewhat smaller and simpler than
Coleshill, but much on the same lines. For how inconsiderable a sum a
capacious, well built country house could be erected in his day is shown
by his careful Ryston accounts. He tells us that the full out-of-pocket
amount was £2,880 7s. 7d., but that he had got something back for the
bark of the oaks used and on some other heads, "and soe count onely
to have bin clearly expended for ye maine Howse all out walling and
makeing ye court and gardens £2800. 0s. 0d." The house was a good
deal altered by Sir John Soane, but is still there in substance and was
the home of Sir Roger's direct descendant, the late Mr. E. R. Pratt,
whom thanks are due for much of the above information and for the loan
of one of the precious and illuminating note-books, a leaf of which is
reproduced (Fig. 28). On finishing Coleshill Roger Pratt undertook
Horseheath in Cambridgeshire for Lord Allington, Kingston Lacy in Dorset
for Sir Ralph Bankes, and Lord Chancellor Clarendon's great house in
Piccadilly. Evelyn went carefully over it in 1666, and then wrote to
Lord Cornbury, the Chancellor's son, that his "fellow traveller"
Pratt "had perfectly acquitted himself." He considers it
"without hyperboles the best contriv'd, the most usefull, gracefull
and magnificent house in England." He declares that he has no
design "to gratifie the architect beyond what I am oblig'd, as a
profess'd honorer of virtue wheresoever 'tis conspicuous; but when I had
seriously contemplated every roome (for I went into them all from the
cellar to the platforme on ye roofe) scene how well and judiciously the
walls were erected, the arches cut & turn'd, the timber braced,
their scantlings and contiguations dispos'd, I was incredibly satisfied,
and do acknowledge myself to have been much improved by what I
observed." But he was by no means always in agreement with Pratt.
About the time he was at Clarendon House a commission of which both were
members visited Old St. Paul's with a view to its repair and
"improvement." Wren and Pratt disagreed on various points,
Evelyn supporting the former against Pratt's conservative wish to repair
the existing steeple, while Wren and Evelyn thought the "shape of
what stood was very meane and we had a mind to build it with a noble
cupola, a forme of churchbuilding not as yet known in England; but of a
wonderful grace." While the great Gothic cathedral still stood the
"noble cupola" would assuredly have been out of place. But
before the commission passed from dispute to deeds the Great Fire
brought complete ruin to the decayed fabric and Wren had his opportunity
of introducing the new "forme of churchbuilding." Pratt was
engaged in the schemes for rebuilding the city, and was knighted by
Charles II in 1668. That was the date of his inheritance of Ryston, and
his notebooks begin to speak of cattle and sheep rather than of stone
and brick.
Of Coleshill in Sir George's time, we get a
glimpse from Celia Fiennes who, as a girl, was there with her mother
shortly before his death. Gardens lie below the house in a set of
terraces with steps down to them "and walkes one below another, a
green walke with all sorts of Dwarfe trees, fruit trees with standard
apricot and flower trees.'' The loftiness of the hall is noted and
"all the walls are Cutt in hollows where statues and Heads Carved
finely are sett." The parlours have "good ffurniture, tapistry,
Damaske etc.," and the chambers are "well and Genteelly
furnisht, damaskes Chamlet and wrought beds fashionably made up."
All is abundant and of the best, so we feel that the old kinswoman did
not exaggerate when she told young Mark Pleydell that his
great-grandfather kept house in a large manner, being "32 in
family. One servant lay over ye brew-house & another in ye stable to
guard against Robbery." The plan (Fig. 9) is taken from Sir Mark
Pleydell's notes and shows the disposition at this time. The great
parlour and the dining-room above were reserved for company days, and
the ordinary family life went on in the rooms to the right of the hall.
An ample stairway leads down to the kitchen floor (Fig. 30). The room
next to it (Plan I c), now the dining-room (Fig. 17), is called the
living parlour, while the room on the other side of the passage is
called the nursery. Over these rooms were the chambers and ante-chambers
of Sir George and his wife and there also a Mrs. Atkinson had her
chamber (which she shared with her maid) and her closet. On this upper
floor the two principal; chambers on the other side of the hall were
occupied by Sir Humphrey Forster, Lady Pratt's nephew, and a Sir Thomas
Doleman, both of whom we shall find attending with their coaches the
reception of Lady Pratt's grandaughter-in-law in 1692. She had then long
been a widow. Sir George had died in 1673, and his bachelor son, dying
six months later, ended the male line. Whether for that short time
Coleshill was his does not appear, but certainly after his death it was
mother who ruled there and not his sister Mary, who, in her father's
lifetime, married Thomas, son and heir to Oliver Pleydell of Shrivenham,
a neighbour of some landed estate and of the family which had owned
Coleshill in the fifteenth century. The date of this marriage is given
by Sir Mark as 1665. In due course a son was born and then the father
died of smallpox. In 1670 the widow took as her second husband Henry
Webb of Charlton, and by him had a son and a daughter. By 1683 he also
is dead, and, as the mother suffered from infirmity, the three children
are committed to their grandmother for custody and tuition. The Pleydell
boy, being then fourteen, signs a separate declaration accepting
irrevocably his grandmother's guardianship until he comes of age. Soon after that event we find
negotiations going on for his marriage with Jane, daughter of Sir
Nicholas Stuart, Bt., of Hartley Mauduit, to whom his prospective
son-in-law writes: "Since your fair daughter has made the conquest
of my heart it is impossible for me to subsist without her." Lady
Pratt is for quick action, and urges her nephew, Sir Humphrey Forster,
to hasten on the dilatoriness of the London lawyers. The wedding takes
place early in 1692, and there are great doings at Coleshill:
"Jane Stuart came from Hartley attended by
ye Coaches of Sir N. Stuart, Lady Pratt, Sir H. Forster, Mr Ruddyard,
Sir Tho. Doleman, Sir - Moor & 4 or 5 more & Sir H. Winchcomb. A
vast concourse at ye house to receive them. They saw ye Coaches coming
down ye White horse hill. All ye gentlemen stayd a fortnight & were
entertained by Lady Pratt with great magnificence."
As the young folk were to make their home
at Coleshill, there had evidently been much discussion at Hartley around
the bride would get on with her grandmother-in-law. Her first letter to
her mother must have contained complaints; but things improve, and she
writes to her father wishing she had left them unsaid, and adds:
"She is, I really think, a very good woman in her own nature &
one who, though she expects to be observed & to direct in almost
everything, yet will give a great deal of respect herself." The
arrival of an heir in 1693 will have greatly pleased the old lady, who,
in the next year, writes to Lady Stuart that little Mark, who has been
ill through "the breeding and bringing forth of a great eye
tooth," is quite well again and "runs about lustily as any
child in the world & is, without partiality, an admirable Creature
in everything."
Lady Pratt, now getting rather infirm,
takes a somewhat minute interest in her health, so that when her doctor
sends her a "purge" for gout, he adds, in answer to her
anxious enquiry, that he does not think it very much matters whether she
drinks her milk "hott from ye cow or made warm by ye fire."
But she is the dominant character at
Coleshill until her death in 1699.
Her grandchildren are of as little importance as her daughter, so that
the education of little Mark, who was six years old when she died, is
directed less by his parents than by his maternal grandfather, Sir
Nicholas Stuart, by whom, in 1706, he is "removed to Eton
school." Next year he is admitted a fellow commoner at Oriel
College, where the chief event he records during his freshman's year is
that he is "thrown into a violent Cholick by drinking ill Malt
liquor." But in 1709 he goes up for a few days to London and sees
the sights - the Tower and the Monument, the Abbey and the Houses of
Parliament. He also sees Mrs. Oldfield play in the "Marriage a la
Mode" at the Haymarket. After passing from Oxford to the Temple he
takes his first trip abroad, visiting Holland in 1711. France was not
then open to him, but after the Treaty of Utrecht is signed we find him
in Paris. Then his education is complete and he becomes of marriageable
age. We hear of several proposals, and in 1719 there is much negotiation
for paying his addresses to the daughter and co-heir of Robert Stewart
of Ascoy, County Bute. All is eventually arranged, and we get the curt
entry in his diary: 1720. Jan 14 at ten a clock married.
Although his father is still alive, he
seems to take the lead at Coleshill, and there are entries during the
four following years of his alterations to the gardens, making hedges of
lime and elm, and setting yews, hollies and hornbeams "trimmed into
standards." Indeed, the diary and estate notes lead one to suppose
that the property was already his until we reach the mention of his
father's death, followed two months later by the entry: "1728,
March. I began keeping house at Coleshill." Three years later his
younger brother died of smallpox: "By wch as he dyed unmarried ye
entire estate of ye family is again united & vested in me & my
Heirs." The death of his Webb cousins and his inheritance from his
father-in-law afterwards added further to his means and enhanced his
position, so that he obtained a baronetcy in 1732. Then it will have
been that he began to make such changes at Coleshill as he deemed
improvements. Fortunately, they were not very considerable. Inigo Jones
had come into his own. The Burlingtonian School accepted him as their
prophet. Kent published two folio volumes of his designs (one of them
being the rusticated Coleshill gate piers) and used some of
them, more
or less altered to suit his own taste, at Lord Burlington's villa at
Chiswick, and for Thomas Coke, afterwards Earl of Leicester, at Holkham.
The former was completed and the latter begun soon after the baronetcy
was conferred on Mark Pleydell, who obtained advice as to Coleshill from
both Burlington and Leicester, and probably employed Kent, to whose
design a great gilt side-table (Fig. 29) must certainly have been made.
To these men Inigo Jones represented all that was worth having in the
past architectural history of England, while Roger Pratt was unknown.
Through this influence Sir Mark must have permitted himself to forget
that, among his notes, he had written of Coleshill: "The Seat was
finished by Sir Geo: Pratt 1662. Sir Roger Pratt of Ruston in Norfolk
Knight, Cousin to Sir G. was the Architect in Friendship to Sir G. Mr.
Mildmay apprehended it was built by Inigo Jones & Ld Barrington
says it was built by one Webb a Disciple of sd Inigo there fore Q.E.D."
Here, relying on the evidence before him, he is laughing at the
assumptions of would-be authorities. Yet he omits Pratt's name from the
tablet and calls the house "built in 1650 by Inigo Jones."
This tablet is dated December 31st, 1748, and is at the head of the
service stair (Fig. 25). Kent was called in to alter several of Inigo
Jones's houses, such as Wilton and Rainham, and as he had adopted him as
his master he was apt to copy his work very closely, so that there are
cases where it needs careful observation to detect his alterations and
additions. That is hardly the case at Coleshill. Whereas the mantelpiece
at the south end of the library (Fig. 21) has the arms of Pratt of
Coleshill empaling those of Forster of Aldermaston, and is such as we
may suppose Roger Pratt to have designed, the one in the saloon (Fig.
16) is surmounted by the arms and bust of Sir Mark Pleydell and the date
1755. These details are in connection with the not satisfactory broken
pediment with a swag clumsily shooting out of its whorled ends. Hence
Messrs. Belcher and Macartney speak of the "badly designed
mantelpiece, evidently modern." As no part of it can date from
later than 160 years ago, the attribute "modern" seems out of
place, and, as to the bad designing, that description ceases to apply if
the pediment is blotted out. It may even have belonged to
the period of
Roger Pratt and, to give it greater presence, Sir Mark may have added
the pediment. It is noticeable that Richard Cleare charged for carving
thirty-eight cartouches, not only for door cases but "for the
chimney peeces." It would seem, therefore, that there must have
been wooden overmantels in 1662. But now there are none of that date,
and only two of Sir Mark's time, in the boudoir (Fig. 24) and in the
billiard-room (Fig. 23), framing Hudson's portraits of his son-in-law's
sisters, Anne and Mary Bouverie. Sir Mark had an only child, his
daughter Harriett, married in 1748 to the Hon. William Bouverie, who, in
1761, succeeded his father as Viscount Folkestone and owner of Longford
Castle. Four years later he was created Earl of Radnor, and in 1768, on
the death of Sir Mark, succeeded to Coleshill. His portrait is seen over
the fireplace in the illustration of the library (Fig. 20), although it
would be more appropriate to hang there the picture of Sir George and
Lady Pratt - now over the doorway - as their arms are on that chimney
piece, whereas at the other end of the room there is a similar, but
imitative, chimneypiece with the Radnor arms.
Beyond wallpapers and other such small renewals,
it does not seem that the Radnors made any considerable alteration at
Coleshill. Certain wainscotings, such as that in what was "Sir Thos
Dolemans' Chamber" (Fig. 25), but is now the Oak Room, are not of
the Pratt but of the Pleydell time. It is more difficult to say when the
"Living Parlour" was panelled. Quite likely the wall linings
are a survival of the fire that wrecked the older house soon after Sir
George's marriage in 1647. It is of Jacobean type, and therefore cannot
have been made for the room, as, indeed, the fitting at the corners
discloses. The mantelpiece (Fig. 18), as regards its two shelves,
certainly shows a re-adaptation. But it is a very successful
introduction, and its association with a Late Renaissance doorway (Fig.
17) proves it to have been done before the imitative age. There are
charming Chippendale chairs in this room belonging to the time of Sir
Mark. Of his time, too, is most of the furniture in what is now the
saloon (Fig. 16). The two linked side-tables are admirable examples of
Chippendale's Chinese manner with a touch of the "Gothick,"
and there are chairs and sofas in the same manner. But the best example
of the Chinese style is the looking-glass (Fig. 26) that hangs between
the windows in the Oak Room. A little earlier than these pieces is a set
of cabriole-legged chairs, with eagle-headed arms, shell knees and ball
and claw feet; while again earlier are the tall-backed walnut chairs of
William III type (Fig. 27), which may well have served the gentlemen
whom Lady Pratt entertained for a fortnight when she married her
grandson to Jane Stuart in 1692.
The Earls of Radnor retained Coleshill
until it passed, in 1889, at the death of the fourth Earl, to his second
son, the Hon. Duncombe Pleydell Bouverie, whose only son, Lieutenant
Jacob Pleydell Bouverie, was one of the many heirs to our historic seats
who fell in the Great War. It is the home of his mother and sisters,
whose loving interest in the place has brought to light the manuscript
collections of Sir Mark Bouverie, the courteous loan of which has made
it possible, in connection with the Roger Pratt notebooks, to obtain,
for the first time, something approaching to a correct account of the
building of a house of much value in the annals of our domestic