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Caversham Court (in Oxfordshire)
Caversham, Oxfordshire
Court alias 'The Old Rectory' was the second great house of the
parish, after Caversham Park. It
stood on the site of the old Chapel of Our Lady of Caversham, an important
pilgrimage centre in Medieval times for the worship of the Virgin Mary.
Originally a Tudor house built after the Dissolution of the Monasteries
around two courtyards, its beautiful timber-framing led to its nickname of
the Striped House. It had a 1638 staircase, with bullet holes from
a Civil War attack, and an elaborate decorated plaster ceiling. Both
survived an almost total rebuilding programme by Pugin, in 1840, under the
patronage of the great brewing Simonds family. Pugin gave the house a castellated
facade with fretwork balustrading and a 'Norman' porch surmounted by the
figure of Cardinal Wolsey. But it did not last another hundred years and
was demolished in 1933. The area is now a public park.